13. maj 2021 – video spletna razprava v sodelovanju SDMO s PISM (Poljski inštitut za mednarodne odnose)
Razprava “EU in the changing world, Perspectives from Poland and Slovenia” je potekala v dveh sklopih, zajetih v sledečih treh točkah (v angleščini):
- Demands internally and externally have grown for a stronger and more active European global role. The current European Commission has ultimately defined its geopolitical aspirations. Is the EU capable to retain a leading position in the world? Where is EU as the global player – in the first or the second league?
- The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the political and economic landscape of the EU. Has pandemic become the major game changer of the world order that could jeopardise EU’s geopolitical ambitions?
- Is enlargement in the strategic interest of the EU? If yes, what should EU do? Should EU refocus its external strategies by reinvigorating its neighbourhood policies (Southern and Eastern)? Western Balkans accession to the EU – important priority of Slovenia’s presidency.
S strani SDMO sta v panelu sodelovala veleposlanika dr. Jože Kunič, častni predsednik SDMO in mag. Mirko Cigler, član predsedstva SDMO; s strani PISM pa dr. Marta Szpala, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Eastern Studies, Warsaw (OSW) in dr. Melchior Szczepanik, Senior Research Fellow at the European Union Programme, The Polish Institute of International Affairs; razpravo sva odprla: dr. Łukasz Jurczyszyn, Director of Brussels Office, The Polish Institute of International Affairs in mag. Marjan Šetinc, predsednik SDMO, ki je podal uvod v oba sklopa razprave. Za nemoteno tehnično podporo je poskrbel PISM prek svoje pisarne v Bruslju.
Prispevka mag. Marjana Šetinca in dr. Jožeta Kuniča v priponki: Šetinc, Kunič – Future of Europe contribution by SDMO members
Celotno razprava je dosegljiva na povezavi:
EU in the changing world. Perspectives from Poland and Slovenia