Panel: POLAND YESTERDAY, POLAND TODAY – politics, elections (panel Amb. Marjan Šetinc and Amb. Bojan Grobovšek)
Bojan Grobovšek, Marjan Šetinc
24 October 2023
Video available (in Slovenian) at SDMO YouTube channel:
Introductory Remarks by ambassador Marjan Šetinc
On October 15, 2033, the Polish people went to the polls, with the majority supporting the opposition. According to predictions, in the coming weeks or months, this opposition is expected to form a government, likely to be led by Donald Tusk, the leader of the largest opposition party, Civic Platform (PO). Ambassador Bojan Grobovšek and I will attempt to explain the complexities and shed light on certain events shaping the current situation in Poland.
Bojan Grobovšek served as the Slovenian ambassador to Poland from 1995 to 1999, a period shortly after the transition from socialism and liberation from the Soviet sphere, embracing capitalism and multiparty democracy. Marjan Šetinc, served as the ambassador to Poland from 2009 to 2014, witnessed the first term of Donald Tusk’s leadership and significant events that left a lasting mark, including the Smolensk air disaster in which Polish President Lech Kaczynski tragically lost his life.
Both of us have offered insights on Poland, each with distinct perspectives and emphases based on our experiences, knowledge, and analyses.
Contribution/paper by Amb. Marjan Šetinc: POLAND YESTERDAY, POLAND TODAY – Politics, Elections (panel Amb. Marjan Šetinc and Amb. Bojan Grobovšek)